Okie School of Adventure and Charm

Our why...
We share our homeschooling adventures with others in hopes they can learn along with us and that we inspire other families on their own education journey.
Our story began in 2020 we began homeschooling our son, Alex, who also happens to have autism. From the start, we knew we wanted to incorporate exploration, hands-on experiences and adventures.
Sharing our activities has been popular with our friends and family, who encouraged us to open up to others about our journey and the lessons we learn along the way.

You are invited along...
We have an unorthodox approach to education. We do a base curriculum and build on it with lots of hands-on activities, field trips, and projects.
One part homeschooling, one part roadschooling, and one part unschooling influenced - we call it adventure learning and you are invited along via our YouTube channel and social media posts.
Along the way, we hope to foster a love of learning and shatter some of the misconceptions and stigmas about autism.
In case you were wondering...
Is this a real school?
It’s real to us!
But no, it’s not an actual school that enrolls students. Alex’s education is a blend of virtual learning, homeschool and exploration, so we gave it a name.
We had a lot of requests to share what we are doing publically and now anyone can follow along and incorporate ideas and topics into their child’s learning. -
Are you autism or education specialists?
Many autism and education professionals have helped us on our journey, but we claim no expertise on what we share
We just keep trying to find what works for us and are sharing it in case others find it helpful. -
Is your content only for Okies, homeschooled or autistic kids?
Kids are kids and our content is for ALL kids - and adults, too!
In fact, our videos have found their way everywhere from to war-torn countries educating kids who can't get to school to college classrooms to workplace training.
By nature kids love to learn by exploring and we hope by sharing what we do your kids will learn along with us and find inspiration for your own hands-on adventures.

Looking for Okie School merchandise?
We offer caps, t-shirts and more for fans of what we do. Like most everything else, we involve Alex in operating the store and love the inherent learning.